
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Understanding the Unique Differences Between The Needs of A Man and A Woman

Intrinsically, the males and females are designed uniquely, their wants defer greatly. It is the understanding of these unique differences in them that brings about a rewarding friendship, union or marriage. When their unique differences are blended harmoniously, it gives God glory. We need to understand these differences God created in males and females.

Furthermore, when we know about our differences in the way males and females think, act and respond, we will hardly have quarrels in interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships with friends, or in male-female relationships and even marriages. In this way we will work cooperatively in fulfilling God`s purposes, and putting the devil into shame.
We will be looking at five distinct differences between the desires of males and females.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

God's standards is His undiluted Word (Scriptures)

You see that spiritual nonsense someone posted aboveπŸ‘†πŸ‘†, this is what the Bible has to say πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Health is Wealth...

Every morning we are born again🌻🌻🌻

What we do today is what matters most.

Making changes in our habits makes changes in our lives!



Saturday, April 10, 2021

How do I tell him no sex before marriage

The future and destiny of your marriage is too important and sacrosanct not to discuss the issue of premarital sex before hand and take and agreeable stand on it. 

Let’s talk about sex baby! If you don’t know where that line is from, please kneel down next time to greet me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ (just joking!) But seriously, can we talk about sex? Or more importantly, can we talk about how to avoid having sex as a singleton? Maybe you’ve been thinking “I don’t want to have sex before marriage; what do I do?” Here’s some practical help.

Are You The Value Added Woman/Wife (VAW)

No sensible man can resist a woman who is beautiful and industrious.

What made a man work for 7 years for the woman he loved and yet felt like he just worked for 7 days? 


'My man does not respect me' 

It is because you are a no Value- Added-Woman (VAW)

Monday, September 7, 2020

Count Your Blessings Name Them One By One... Especially in this year 2020

Welcome to the ninth month of September. The month pregnant destinies are birthed. Thank God for mercifully seeing us all through the countless hurdles of this year 2020 especially as the world battles the corona virus pandemic which has and is still claiming many lives daily. Yet you and I and hopefully all our loved ones are safe, untouched and alive. It is the Lord's doing indeed! 

The best part is that many of us including me have been greatly visited by Jehovah in very personal and unique ways that has caused us and our families to be blessed and enlarged.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Benefits of having a Hot Water Bath

We have all had those days when we come back home after a long day wanting to just soak ourselves in water and sleep afterwards (even eating doesn't matter much on such days). The issue however is not taking a shower, it's taking the shower in the right way that will help rejuvenate our tired body cells but also help us have a good night rest and wake up the next day fully bounced back. The secret is having a hot water bath. The benefits of having our bath water heated up is countless. From the very moment when the first drop touches our skin, there is this healing sense of strength and return that cannot be explained. Let's share some of those benefits below: