
Showing posts with label Evidence of Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evidence of Grace. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Stop Being Ignorant. Learn the 3 Scriptural Keys To Unlocking Your Access To Kingdom Wealth and Abundance


Are you a believer and you are perpetually in need or in debt and you're wondering how you can come out of this circle and launch into the realm of abundance and Kingdom Wealth?

Click here to watch video

You need to watch this video πŸ‘†on my YouTube channel now as I unveil and dish out biblical principles given to us believers so enable us gain divine access to God's Kingdom wealth and abundance.

May the Good Lord continue to bless you as do πŸ™

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Reasons Why You Should Stop Giving Husband or Spousal Benefits To Your Commitment -Shy Partner

Are you dealing with a Commitment-Phobe Partner and you are wondering why he's dragging his feet in tying the knot with you officially and what you might be doing wrong to warrant his reluctance to fully getting married to you.

Then look no further because this video above πŸ‘† answers all your inner questions and also offers practical ways you can quickly remedy your relationship with your guy before things get too late and he chickens out of the relationship you've both spent years to nurture and build


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Successful YouTube Channel: Overcoming Initial Challenges

 Have you ever considered starting your own YouTube channel? In today's digital age, YouTube has become an incredible platform for creative expression, sharing knowledge, and even building a successful career. But before you dive in, it's essential to understand the initial challenges you might face on your YouTube journey. In this blog post, we will explore how to overcome these challenges and set yourself up for success.

Starting a YouTube channel can be an exciting and rewarding venture, but it's essential to be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. By finding your niche, setting realistic goals, creating high-quality content, overcoming fears, promoting your channel, handling negative feedback, staying motivated, and analyzing your data, you can overcome the initial hurdles and set yourself on a path to success. Remember, the key is to be patient, persistent, and passionate about what you do. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating, and let your YouTube

 journey begin!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Hello YouTube. Have You Visited My Upgraded YouTube Channel Lately? 🀷

 Hello guys how are you all doing? Long time no see no hear. I'm sorry for my long unexplained absence from this space. I sincerely apologize. It wasn't really deliberate I have been working and so many things and projects that got me really swamped and committed on every side from family to my 9 to 5 and to my pets projects and so on, hence making my absence unavoidable.

But guess what guys I'm back now fully with my fully optimized YouTube channel now up and running and I present to you in this post my welcome trailer video for your screen delight and for you honest opinion.

So guys, please click the button below to watch the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel don't also forget to like share and comment as I promise to drop a new video for you watching pleasure every week so help me God thanks and God bless and see you next time.

Click HereπŸ‘‡ To Watch Video 


N. B.

Sorry guys but I forgot to say that most of my blog posts on this platform will be abridged while I drop a link for the completion of every blog post that will be posted and uploaded on my YouTube channel. Furthermore please note that the direct link to my said YouTube channel is already fixed and place right on top of my blog in the pages section and you can easily click and go right into my YouTube channel directly from this blog thank you once again and see you and the other side of success, bye.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

1. "10 Reasons Why High Moral Standards Are Essential in Today's Chaos: A YouTube Video Topic Guide"

Watch this short video on the importance of having high moral standards in today's contemporary society  

10 Reasons Why High Moral Standards Are Essential in Today's Chaos:

In the midst of the chaotic and often uncertain times we live in today, the importance high moral standards cannot be understated. As our society grapples with various challenges and dilemmas, maintaining a strong ethical compass can serve as a guiding light. Whether in our personal lives, professional endeavors, or interactions with others, upholding moral principles is crucial. Below are 10 compelling reasons why high moral standards are essential in today's chaos.

1. Upholding Trust and Integrity

High moral standards are the of trust and integrity in any relationship or community.

By consistently acting in an ethical manner, you build credibility and earn the respect of those around you.

2. Fostering Meaningful Connections

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Inherent Dangers of Having Third Parties Intrude Into the Lives and Affairs of a Married Couple.

Once upon a time, there was a happily married couple, Alex and Sarah. They had built a life together, filled with love, trust, and mutually shared dreams. However, their idyllic world was soon disrupted by the intrusion of third parties.

First, it was the relentless interference of Sarah's overbearing mother, who constantly criticized Alex and undermined their relationship. She would meddle in their affairs, offer unsolicited advice, and fuel Sarah's doubts about their marriage.

Then, there was Alex's ambitious coworker, who seemed too eager to spend time with him outside of work. Slowly, their professional relationship crossed boundaries, leading to emotional intimacy that Alex hadn't realized was developing.

As tensions rose between Alex and Sarah due to these outside influences, communication broke down. Instead of confiding in each other, they sought solace elsewhere, confiding in their respective confidants.

Sarah's mother, seeing an opportunity to drive a wedge between them, exacerbated every disagreement, painting Alex as the villain. Meanwhile, Alex found himself drawn to his coworker's attention, seeking validation that he felt was lacking at home.

Caught in this web of external pressures and internal strife, Alex and Sarah drifted further apart. Resentment festered, trust eroded, and the once unbreakable bond between them began to crumble.

Ultimately, the marriage reached a breaking point. Hurt and disillusioned, Alex and Sarah realized that the intrusion of third parties had irreparably damaged what they had once cherished. Despite their efforts to salvage their relationship, the damage was too extensive, and they were left with no choice but to part ways.

In the end, Alex and Sarah learned a painful lesson about the fragility of marriage and the destructive power of outside influences. Their story serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of protecting the sanctity of marriage from the harmful interference of third parties.

Certainly there are ways to avoid this sort of pitfall in marriage! Here are some practical ways married couples can strengthen their bond and trust, reducing the likelihood of intrusion from third parties. Here are about ten (10) of them listed:

1. **Open Communication**: Foster an environment where both partners feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly and honestly. Regularly check in with each other and actively listen without judgment.

Friday, May 10, 2024


On your mark! Get set! Ready! Go!
The athletes were running their marathon race and they were all determined to reach the finish line.

They continued running, even when they had been overtaken, they believed there was hope for them to win, therefore they continued to run with full speed and energy.

Temi was the one who represented Nigeria at the Olympic game this year. She has records of great achievements in sports.

But Temi was seen among those who were behind in the marathon race and others were already ahead of them.

Temi thought about all the time and efforts that she has sacrificed during the training for this Olympic game.

She remembered how she had worked hard in silence, both day and night.

 She remembered how her family and friends had forsaken her, because she showed interest in sports.

Her father had wanted her to read Medicine and become a surgeon and was disappointed when Temi informed him of her plans.

She knew many people were waiting patiently to hear that she failed. Temi looked at those who were already ahead of her and said to herself "I will overtake you all".

Temi breathed in and out, and suddenly began to run with full energy. She was looking at the finished line and was determined that she would get there first.

The audience were surprised and were screaming excitedly, when Temi overtook all the other athletes that were ahead of her and was running speedily and behold she got to the finish line first.

The audience were wondering how she was able to do it. She moved from way behind ... the twenty-fifth position to the very first position.

There was joy everywhere and Temi said to herself "Yes, I did it!", "I finally did it!".


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Atkins Diet for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide:

The Atkins diet, developed by Dr. Robert Atkins, is a low-carb, high-protein and fat eating plan that focuses on weight loss. It has gained popularity for its effectiveness and emphasis on feeling full and satisfied while eating. If you're new to the Atkins diet, here's a detailed breakdown to get you started:

Understanding the Basics:

Carbs are Key: The Atkins diet restricts carbohydrates, which are the body's primary source of energy. By limiting carbs, the goal is to shift your body towards burning fat for fuel, a process called ketosis.
Protein and Fat are Friends: Protein and healthy fats become the mainstays of your diet. They provide satiety (feeling full), help maintain muscle mass, and contribute to sustained energy levels.
The Atkins Phases:

The Atkins diet progresses through four distinct phases, each with varying levels of carb intake:

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Ups and Downs of Having a New Baby For a New Couple

Having a baby changes everything. One minute you're living your best life, going out with friends, staying up late, and the next you're covered in spit-up, running on 2 hours of sleep, and your social life is pretty much non-existent. But you know what? It's all worth it.

The first few weeks after bringing home a newborn are a total whirlwind. You're running on pure adrenaline and caffeine, trying to figure out this whole parenting thing. Simple tasks like showering or eating a meal become major accomplishments. And forget about keeping a clean house - laundry and dishes pile up while you're busy staring at your baby's perfect little face.

But slowly, you start to find your groove. The sleepless nights get a little better, the crying fits become fewer and farther between. You learn your baby's cues and how to soothe them. And you realize that all the hard stuff is so worth it when your little one gives you that first big, gummy smile. Suddenly, your heart is so full it feels like it might burst.

Sure, life is more complicated now. Date nights require planning, and trips to the grocery store are a military operation. But the love you feel for this tiny human is unlike anything you've ever experienced. They become the center of your world, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Having a baby is a total game-changer for couples. Your life gets turned upside down in the best way possible. Suddenly, it's not just about you and your partner anymore - there's this tiny human who is totally dependent on you.

The first few months are a whirlwind of feedings, diaper changes, and zero sleep. You're running on fumes, but the love you feel for this little person makes it all worth it. Watching them grow and reach those important milestones is the most rewarding thing ever.

Of course, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There are definitely challenges that come with becoming parents. Learning to balance your relationship, work, and family life takes some serious adjusting. But you find a way to make it work because your top priority is giving your child the best life possible.

At the end of the day, having a baby brings couples closer together in a way you can't even imagine until you experience it. It's a wild ride, but one that fills your heart to the brim.

Friday, April 26, 2024


- Relieves Stomach Ulcers:
Bitter leaf has strong anti oxidants that are good for protecting the walls of the stomach. That’s why bitter leaf can be used to treat stomach ulcers. 

- Treats Malaria:
Bitter leaf has abundant amount of quinine in it. That is a natural anti malarial drug. 

- Cures Fungal Infections:
Bitter leaf has strong anti fungal properties. You can apply its paste on the skin infections to treat your fungal infections.

- Treats Skin Conditions:
Bitter leaf paste can treat your skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, ringworms etc. 

- Treats Typhoid Fever:
The flavonoids present in bitter lead are strong antioxidants and are helpful in treating fever. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Self-Care For The "W. O. M. A. N." 101

Sister, please take good care of yourself! 

To all of us warrior women balancing the triathlon of motherhood, careers, and domestic jungles once again I say the Lord is our strength but also remember, you didn’t say “I do” to lose very yourself in the laundry pile or the corporate ladder. The real person who dazzled your partner into commiting to marriage with you is that he loved you for *you*—not just for your potential as a supermom or as a business guru. 

Yes, kids come with all their bundles of joy and truckload of responsibilities, bodies changes happen, exhaustion sets in, and all sorts of workloads could that squash a small elephant. But hey, it is paramount not sacrifice *you* on the altar of the endless to-dos!

It’s understandable to shift priorities, but let’s not vanish ourselves in the process. As much as possible, carve out a sanctuary in time for yourself. Whether it's a steamy bubble bath longer than your toddler's attention span or a morning jog where the only thing you're chasing is your peace of mind, keep that rendezvous with yourself sacred. Else, if you don’t, the person by your side—who promised to be there through thick and thin—might start wondering where the woman he fell in love with has vanished to. 


Dear Woman:
● changes her name
● changes her lifestyle and sometimes identity.
● changes her home.
● leaves her family.
● moves in with you.
● builds a home with you.
● gets pregnant for you, most times more than twice and the pregnancy process changes her body forever.
● she gains weight
● almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pain of childbirth.
● even the children she delivers bear your name...

A Mother's Untold Story

When a woman becomes prΓ©gnant, which is a difficult stage of a woman's life yet she had this confidence that after prΓ©gnancy she will be free and relieved.

After giving birth, nursing her little baby wasn't an easy job. 

She so much looked forward to getting past that stage as a bréÑstféeding Mom

The sleepless nights, anxiety, body pain and general stress was much to deal with but she said again "once my baby starts crawling and  moving around I will be free"

Finally, the baby starts walking and moving about

She heaved a a sigh of relief thinking it will be far easier but she was wrong again

Watching and monitoring the kids so they won't swallow pin or even hΓΌrt their selves while moving about becomes the job of the day

Toddler stage arrives and the shouting progressed

"Don't touch that

"Don't go there

"Don't put that in your mouth

"Don't climb

"Stop running around before you fall

"I will spank you if you tear that book, drop it back 

And then he tears the book and start giggling happily

You look at him unknowing what to do

You gather up the pieces of the mess and throw away.

They never stop making mess and you never stop cleaning.

You become worried when they're off to school and can't wait for them to be home and once they're home you can't stop shouting and threatening

Even your threats are taken for granted and when you spank them finally you will still beg them to stop crying.

Does any of this parenting stage gets any easier? You keep asking but the answer is not quite.

Interestingly she may have to have to repeat this process or cycle for as many times as she visits the delivery room.

No, it doesn't because even when they are grown and off to the university or even married their safety and good connection becomes another prayer points.

Just do your best and let God take care of the rest.

It doesn't get easier but it does gets better and sweeter ❤❤️❤️ 

A Peep Leak into the Life of an African Mother Like Me 🀱

Today I was privileged to record a short clips of how my kids and I roll everyday they come back home from school. Their dramas and tantrums and everything in between πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚.



I guess you never know most of them 🀷

(1) If you don't want your seasoning cubes to get soft and start bringing out water....add garri to the container where you put your seasoning cubes. It will remain strong and fresh. 

(2) Don't throw away your left over pounded yam. Dry it and crush it. After its dried then use it to eat beans....its a great taste.

(3) if your pot of soup sour or changes taste. Put 2-3 pieces of charcoal in it and warm very will recover the delicious taste of it again.

If your shoe is smelly....add piece of charcoal, it will absorb the smell.

Young Intending Couples Must Discuss What Works Best For Them.

Dear young unmarried woman. Please note that there are no norms or common practice or universally accepted way of doing marriage especially in this part of the world.

Whatever traits or beliefs that you've noticed in your intended partner that doesn't sit well with you, make sure you discuss it immediately and trash it out with modalities and agreements between you both as it suits the uniqueness of your relationship.

“I saw my mother be@ting my father” is not a norm!

“I grew up watching my mother kneeling down to serve my father” is not a norm!