
Showing posts with label Marriage and Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage and Relationships. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2022






There is a current trend among our brothers and uncles of today. It is quite unfortunate that we focus on the minor at the detriment of the major. 

Don't make the mistakes some of our Fathers,  Senior Brothers and uncles made. Marry now with the little you have. Don't wait till you have hundreds of millions!

Don't wait till you have your own mansion or conglomerate!


 Have kids early so that you can grow with them and that you may be there for them while you still have energy to throw. 

Grow with your kids and succeed with

your wife. You will never finish making money or achieving your plans. 

You might still not succeed at your target year. So, start your life early, with consistency you will grow.

My father said this to me: _When I was 25, I was talking about making billions before I marry.

Many years later, billions didn't come, yet no kid no wife... I had an opportunity to marry the most beautiful love of my life very early, But my fear was, can I really take care of her? But right now She's married with Four grown up children. 

The guy that married her was still schooling then, but had the courage. They worked hard and succeeded together. I failed, so please if you can feed yourself, you can feed your wife. You have to believe it, marry early, don't wait.

Don't make our mistakes, I see my childhood friends play with their kids. Most of them are not doing as well as me.. But they are happier with their families..

All you need is not money, but rather your Maturity, your

happiness depends entirely on your wisdom and the way you Handle Life and largely on Jesus who is your source not the mundane things. 

Check all the Fathers of Faith.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Real Journey To Sound Health

Do You Feel Any Of These When You Wake Up In The Mornings 🤷

Tired 😩

Grumpy 😣



Low Energy🙍


Exhausted 😪


If so, this post is for you.

The best indication of whether you're well-rested or not is how you feel when you wake up in the morning and how you feel throughout the day.

Sleep is a powerful predictor of all-cause mortality. If you get less than five hours of sleep per night, your risk of dying increases by about 12%.

Let's talk about what can happen if you don't get good sleep:

1. Your Cognitive Function will be affected

Your focus and concentration decreases. You will have brain fog. You might also experience low memory and lack of creativity.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Failure... The surest and shortest route to succeeding in life.

 For many people, the word 'failure' comes with a negative connotation of hopelessness. In fact, today's society particularly the youths don't understand the importance of patience in the journey of life and the necessity of failure on one's road to success. All everyone is after is overnight and sudden burst to success, wealth, fame and so on without realizing the roles time, maturity, chance, mistakes and failure play in forming a whole and completely successful individual.

Even the corporate world needs to understand and appreciate the importance of failure in building both the business structure into a formidable enterprise and the workers/employees (especially young interns) into a strong force that is almost impossible to sink in the global economy. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Who do you listen to?🤷 The Faith or Fear Determinant.


There is something powerful about the voice of whom we listen to especially on a regular basis. The answer to this question may be the panacea of the many problems that bedevil our society... From the least person to the most influential person.
The person or persons you listen to especially as a heavenly conscious child of God is capable of making or marring your destiny or the part of it that is the subject matter of a topic. 

Imagine being advised by someone who is wayward, has no spiritual compass, doesn't believe in Jesus Christ and the Gospel on matters that concern your spiritual lifestyle.

Imagine being advised by an unrepentant/repeating divorcee who is not willing to make his or her marriage work on how to build your home and live peacefully with your spouse.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Every great venture started small and as a tiny little dream.

Every king was once a crying baby and every building was once a picture.
The person you admire so much was once a nobody.
The most anointed man you see was once a church member.
The person you attended his or her wedding was once a chief bachelor or spinster. So why worry in life?
It's not about where you are today but where you will reach tomorrow.
Alphabet "O'' which stands for Opportunity, is absent in ''yesterday'' but available once in ''today'' And thrice in ''tomorrow''
So Stay Positive Always and have hope.
Your tomorrow will surely be better than today.
Believe in yourself and never give up. ......The future is bright!
Have a wonderful day

By the way, if you are interested in starting a home- based online legitimate business in Affiliate Marketing; click this link 🖇️ below 👇👇 and get started.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Obedience births greatness.

Happy New month everyone and welcome to June, the month of jubilee...

What is obedience in relation to the bringing up of Godly Christian children?  The dictionary meaning of obedience is compliance to an instruction, set of laid down rules, command, law, authority or duty whether from the home, church, school, organized institution, society  and so on.

Bringing it home for us as Children of God, we have an epitome of God's obedience to whom it was counted unto as righteousness... In the person of our father Abraham. 

His entire life and walk with God here on earth from when God called him out of his initial home place and people in Haran up until the birth of his covenant son Isaac was a clear case of childlike obedience, total faith in God and His promises as well as the generational rewards of total obedience to God His Unfailing Word.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

How to effectively handle anger issues in a Christian Marriage.

What is anger to start with one might ask?

Anger is that hurtful feeling of being wronged that causes one to act, react or respond in a rather irrational and often times regrettable manner in a bid to vent, get even or restitute for the wrong he or she possibly suffered.

Anger of all sorts if not properly handled and controlled has devastating consequences on all human relationships including and especially marriage. I as well as many Children of God are battling with dealing with unhealthy anger issues and thank God, in His Mercy that we are conquering into victory. 

When it comes to handling such dangerous traits in a Christian Marriage, then conscious efforts must be made to put the spouse with anger issues in strict accountable check in order to prevent frequent and devastating outbursts that may harm the marriage, home, children or something else more severe.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

What God has brought this testimony of a daughter of His Through

This is a random post about allowing the Grace of God work in and through your life.

I have existed in this world for more than three decades. One thing I have learnt never to take for granted is the grace of God. His grace and mercy brought me this far and are capable to take me to and through my next phase of life. I have also learnt not to laugh at others when I see them not living up to expectation. Now when I see a very fat woman or man, I know that sickness or rejection could have made that person fat.

When I see a prostitute in a brothel, I now see a girl who could have been cruising around town in a good ride and living a good life if she was born into an influential home. I also see a girl who could have been abused severally by uncles and men in the society leading her into that life. I see a girl whose mother could be lying sick at home and she has to make money to save her life and knowing our society, the only way she can do that is sell her body for money since those heartless men cannot give her the money without asking for her body. 

That I am a Christian (even when I know that it is more about the life of Christ in me) doesn't mean I have to look down on a Muslim because a good number of us became Christians because we were born into Christian families. I could have been born to a family in Saudi Arabia where all I know is Islam. As a Muslim, you could have been born into an Irish family where you know nothing about Islam.  

Monday, May 2, 2022

Counterfeit Relationships... Heartbreaks Waiting To Happen.


If you are 'dating' any of these people, then you have fallen for a COUNTERFEIT:

1) A Married Man

2) Your Ex that left you to Marry someone else

3) Your Neighbour who is about to Marry someone else, but has refused to tell you

4) Your Colleague who already told you he is in a Relationship

5) Your Counsellor

6) Your Imam or Pastor

7) A man with no source of livelihood at all and whose financial and psychological problems have suddenly become your compulsory additional burden.

Now the list can go on, but the fact remains that this Category is all about anyone you are dating or investing your emotions on who won't last with you, because they are not suppose to be in your life in that CAPACITY in the first place. 

No matter how real what you get from these set of people are, it will always be a COUNTERFEIT, that's why it's always SWEET when you taste it, but VERY BITTER when it goes down. You will NEVER be SECURE in such love, no matter how much the counterfeit tries. 

Have you noticed your emotion is NEVER stable in that kind of relationship? At some point you are so much in love, and wish it will last, or that the person isn't Married, but please get it into YOUR STURBORN THICK SKULL that the Person you are with, is NOT AVAILABLE!!!

By the way there are lots of Married Men right now parading themselves as SINGLE Men. How do you catch one? He will be too experienced at taking care of you, than a single guy can do, and guess what, that's what sweeps you off your feet in the first place right? Everything seems right, everything is just in place, except that HE IS A COUNTERFEIT! 

Let's look at the Dictionary Meaning of Counterfeit:

1) made in imitation of something genuine with the intent to deceive or defraud; forged

2. simulated; sham: counterfeit affection.

3. an imitation designed to deceive or defraud

4. an impostor; cheat.

What Do Men Really Want 🤔?

About a week ago, news broke out on the Nigerian social media space that popular actor and son to Nollywood patriarch - Yul Edochie  openly celebrated the birth of his love child, a son that he has with a fellow actress whom he had recently married as a second wife shortly before the birth of their son. It should be known that the said Yul Edochie was already married to his wife May Edochie and the marriage was blessed with four (4) children. 

This unpleasant news sparked a lot of reactions and comments from people as to what men really want?

It has been agreed that men (without Christ and the fear of God) are polygamous in nature and without proper self control and discipline may one day give heed to display such immoral attitude and as such give room for the devil to have a field day of confusion and destruction in his home, his life and his generations to come.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

13 Very Important Advice To Christian Parents of Young Children.

Dear parents never you imbibe the satanic/valueless teachings on today's woke parenting. 

As much as possible, replicate your parents training that made you turn out this good and responsible.

You and your partner alone will be held accountable for the upbringing of your children (not social media or whatever) before God and we all know He never listens to excuses.

Let's go back to our core values that made us who we are as a people. 

You owe it to your children to teach them aright early on in life because whether we like it or not, they are our retirement plan/benefits at our old gray years. Don't live in regret and shame then 

Be very mindful of the external influence you allow around your children especially during their formative years.

Whether you like it or not, how you train and bring up your children is everybody's business because your children if eventually ill-bred will meet with and mix up with the children of others who have slaved and paid the price to train theirs properly in the larger society.... 

Don't let your own children to be the bad influence everyone else is avoiding. There is and should be no sentiment when correcting/disciplining your children. 

Don't be deceived, spare the rod and spoil the child is still an evergreen biblical blueprint for bringing up children.... There are no shortcuts about it. Your cane is still your best ally when correcting your child. My late mum fondly called it "papa teacher".

The child you refuse or neglect to discipline today will cause you rivers of tears tomorrow.

If you make excuses for your children's misbehaviours today, you will most likely hire a defense lawyer tomorrow trying to save their heads from being hanged... God forbid 😢

Above all, put God first as you do your own part in correcting the errors this generation has made in children upbringing.... 

Those who have created this Social media platforms hardly let their children on it. Most of their children don’t have phones. You better pick up your smartness.

May God help us all in Jesus Name. Amen

Saturday, April 9, 2022


I made a Post the other day, that I will stand with you if you are divorced once.

But will allow you to stand for yourself, if you are divorcing every time.

And someone asked me, if I am encouraging divorce?

In trying not to be seen as encouraging divorce, we actually encourage death.

Between Stay and Die or

Leave and Be Alive, which one is better?

Between Divorce and Death, which one is better?

Leave in Peace is better than rest in Peace.

Only a fool will choose DEATH over DIVORCE.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Here are few Godly tips on how to calm your husband down.

There are days our men come back worn out and maybe displeased due to one thing or the other that happened during the course of his day. Even without him saying it out loud, he hopes and depends on us to apply our feminine sweetness to take all the nastiness away from their beings.

But many at times, we don't even know this and even when we do, we don't know how.

Below are a few useful tips for us wives to help out awesome husbands feel better after such a long day.


Sex has a way of relaxing a man. You will change his mood when you make love to him, especially if you are the one who seduces him and initiates it


If coming home to you is coming home to yet another argument and fight where you explode and turn everything into an issue, he will dread coming home and it hurts when home is a place to run away from, not to run to


Most women want the husband to ask them "How was your day?", "How did you sleep?" "How are you?" yet they rarely ask the husband these. If these questions make you feel cared for, your husband also wants to feel cared for 


A lot of men can be disorganized, especially when they are going through a lot in life or have a lot on their mind. This chaos in their system, dressing, schedule or environment can lead to more unease on their mind. When you help him clear the clutter and attend to some of his needs without him asking, he will think better 

Be the willing and available partner in your marriage.

This 👆 is what it looks like when you're in a relationship and want it to work but your partner isn't willing to take part. 

For a relationship to work, both parties must be willing to change and want to change. Otherwise, you will be considered unequally yoked with someone and will begin to resemble the image below if you try to do all of the work on your own.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Protecting Your Heart 💜 as a Child of God.

 In today's world of numerous dating apps and endless break-ups, heartaches and so on, a lot of people are weary when it comes to dating and matters of the heart.

As a child of God, because of our precious and unique identity in Christ and the Holy Spirit, a lot more than carefulness is required of us both spiritually and physically before we start catching feelings and all what not.

The Bible tells us in the book of Proverbs 4:23 to "guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flows out the issues of life" and that "wisdom is profitable to direct - Ecclesiastes 10:10.

That is why as a Child of God it is over important that we cross check with the One who holds the manual for your life before giving your heart to your intended special person and saying"I DO".

Friday, March 25, 2022

Appreciation is the key 🗝️ that unlocks the door of Increase

 This picture below was the circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a starving Sudanese girl to die so it can feast on her. It was taken by Kevin Carter, a prolific photojournalist, during the fa mine of 1993 in Sudan. This photo later won Kevin the Pulitzer  prize for an 'exceptional' caption.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

As a Child of God, How Do You Respond Under The Heat of The Faith

Many of us have different threshold levels when it comes to trials and temptations which is why Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ gives us Scriptures to hold on to and confess in those trying times for maximum strength and assured victory. 

Some are cast your burdens on Him for He cares for you.

His yoke is easy and His burden is light

Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them of them all

And so on.....

Below is also a very inspiring story to help encourage you that how you react and respond during those trying period really matters a lot and that is why we as children of God must remain steadfast in the faith.

Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans

Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.

A short Story.... Failure Is Part of Success.

Have you ever failed before????  I guess we all have at some point in life...

Here's a short Story to encourage someone going through one right now and is not having it easy..


As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

Monday, March 21, 2022

Consistency and Persistence Truly Pays... A Short Story

This is an emergency and interesting story I want to share below 👇, and a testimony.

Many of you guys may not know but I got interested in blogging in the year 2012, immediately after my law school and call to the Nigerian Bar. 

Being the inquisitive and enterprising person that I am, I started off immediately as a crass and unrefined amateur who knew nothing about her newly found interest but I had determination and enthusiasm to learn all... or at least enough to get my by in the blog space.

So I checked out the most popular blog - building websites such as Blogger, WordPress, Wix and so on, as well as other sites to see how to design and beautify mine, and after much looking around I settled for the blogger platform because of its several easy to use features. I still use blogger till date and I don't see myself migrating to another anytime soon. I then built my first newbie blog. The first of many...

For the records, this very blog is about my eighth (8th) attempt, so you can imagine how many trials and error has gone under over the years. Even my late parents saw the determination and interest that I had in blogging and had to give in with their reserved support because they never understood it and time (life) wasn't fair to them to make them understand.

The only person who seemed and still seems to understand to am extent as well as support my blogging career is my Dear Husband Pastor John Anietoh.