
Showing posts with label Hephzibah's Take. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hephzibah's Take. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2022

A short Story.... Failure Is Part of Success.

Have you ever failed before????  I guess we all have at some point in life...

Here's a short Story to encourage someone going through one right now and is not having it easy..


As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

Monday, March 21, 2022

Consistency and Persistence Truly Pays... A Short Story

This is an emergency and interesting story I want to share below 👇, and a testimony.

Many of you guys may not know but I got interested in blogging in the year 2012, immediately after my law school and call to the Nigerian Bar. 

Being the inquisitive and enterprising person that I am, I started off immediately as a crass and unrefined amateur who knew nothing about her newly found interest but I had determination and enthusiasm to learn all... or at least enough to get my by in the blog space.

So I checked out the most popular blog - building websites such as Blogger, WordPress, Wix and so on, as well as other sites to see how to design and beautify mine, and after much looking around I settled for the blogger platform because of its several easy to use features. I still use blogger till date and I don't see myself migrating to another anytime soon. I then built my first newbie blog. The first of many...

For the records, this very blog is about my eighth (8th) attempt, so you can imagine how many trials and error has gone under over the years. Even my late parents saw the determination and interest that I had in blogging and had to give in with their reserved support because they never understood it and time (life) wasn't fair to them to make them understand.

The only person who seemed and still seems to understand to am extent as well as support my blogging career is my Dear Husband Pastor John Anietoh.

How To Earn The Respect of People Around You.

 How To Respect Yourself So That People Can Respect You Too.

❤️ Stop looking for who is not looking for you. Minding Your Business is a Full Time Job.. Get Busy With What Puts Food on Your Table.

❤️ Stop begging. 

❤️ Stop saying more than is necessary.

❤️ When people disrespect you, confront them immediately.

❤️ Don't eat other people's food more than they eat yours. 

❤️ Reduce how you visit some people, especially if they don't visit u as well.

❤️ Invest in yourself. Make yourself happy.

❤️ Stop entertaining gossip about other people.

❤️ Think before you talk. 80% of how people value you is what comes out of your mouth.

❤️ Always look your best. Dress the way you should be addressed.

Saturday, March 19, 2022


Waiting has never been easy for any man. It's one of the most difficult things (not many things compare) to do in life......"WAIT".

-Ask Sarah in the Bible, she got frustrated of waiting, she had to force her husband to give the world Ishmael. The world is still paying dearly for that singular act of impatience till tomorrow.😭

-Ask King Saul, he got frustrated he went ahead to do the sacrifice that will seal his doom shamefully forever.

-Ask the children of Israel, they wearied of waiting for Moses and made for themselves idols to their ruin.

ASK RACHAEL.... (my focus this morning).

Rachael was beloved and industrious. She was beautiful and inspiring. Because of her, Jacob set a marriage standard that no man has been able to replicate... Rachel was cheated by her own dad in the name of custom. .... and when she finally claimed her place... her womb was shut.

Sunday, March 13, 2022



1. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO LIVE AFTER WEDDING? Compulsory! So the guy won't drag you back to his father's house or squat with a friend. Discuss the type of apartment: a room,  room and parlour,  a mini flat,  2 bedroom flat,  3 bedroom,  duplex,  complex,  whatever,  talk,  thoroughly. Don't forget to discuss how rent will be paid. If he has built his house and you are moving in,  excellent.

2. WILL YOU HAVE BABIES IMMEDIATELY OR YOU WILL WAIT? Discuss thoroughly. If you will wait,  find out the best family planning method that will suit your body. Not all injections and pills are suitable for you. Withdrawal is not advisable for first time sex on honeymoon likewise condom. First sex should be done with abandon and also get used to each other's bodies especially as virgins. Singles who are sexually active right now are digging their marital grave. If you are already having sex like mad and taking family planning pills as a single lady,  it is a big shame and a disgrace to womanhood. Marry with dignity. Save sex till your wedding night.


Who will pay the rent,  take care of bills and groceries? Is it the man? The woman or both of you? At how many percentage if it is a joint responsibility? 50/50? 80/20? 60/40? Discuss.

4. WILL ANY FAMILY MEMBER LIVE WITH YOU AFTER WEDDING? Discuss. Who and who will live with you? Why? For how long?  Can you cope having a family live with you immediately after honey moon? Can your type of accommodation allow such? It is not advisable for the opposite sex sibling to live with you after honey moon in a room apartment. It is more dangerous if it is the wife's very mature younger sister. Use your head!

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Imperfect me serving a perfect God


The other day, I was spending time with a friend.  This friend calls herself a Christian, but doesn't always act like it, because some days she's on fire for the Lord, and other days life's struggles seem to get the best of her.

 So, as our eyes met, I really wanted to say something about it to her,  but decided to just let the Lord speak to her heart, knowing nothing I could say could ever possibly have the impact that the Lord making Himself real in her heart would make. 

  So I prayed with her. And after some time passed, I winked at her.... and walked away from the mirror!



Sunday, January 16, 2022

18 Mistakes Most Wives Make.

Marriage is Hard Work!

By the time every marriage goes past the honey moon stage and life begins to take its toll on both spouse (including and not limited to the coming in/birth of children, the marriage goes through some level of stress. 

In this part of the world, the 'burden' of carrying the burden of building a marriage is usually saddled on the shoulder of the wife, and coupled with her business/career/studies vis a vis pregnancy and child birth, she may tend to forget what it means to be sweet, romantic, intentional about herself and so on.

Below I have listed 18 of such lethal mistakes we wives make that tends to spell doom for every marriage.

This makes you and your husband used to not talking and makes you two draw further apart doing major damage to your communication. Even when he does wrong, get angry, but get to talk about it and forgive quickly

 Don't isolate yourself. Have mature friends to surround you, to grow with you as a wife. This makes your life richer, widens your worldview, challenges you and makes you less demanding on your husband's time. Again, make sure the lady friends you keep are of good character. You need fellow women who will stand with you, iron sharpens iron

When your husband reveals to you information and you over react or you become highly suspicious or critical of him, that will discourage him from sharing matters with you in future and he will begin to be secretive, not because he wants to but because he would rather avoid the toxic environment you bring when over reacting. Secrecy opens up a door to many dangers in your marriage.

Monday, January 10, 2022

New Year Friends.... Welcome To The Greatest Year So Far... 2022


Have a sparkling New Year!
New adventures are around the corner. ...
Make way for 2022!
I said this 365 days ago, but happy New Year!
May the new year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.
Out with the old, in with the new! ...
Here's hoping you make the most of 2022!
I'm super excited for this new year of exceeding Grace, favour, blessings, love, upliftment and the Good Life in Christ. We shall definitely have reasons to testify and celebrate. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Special Edition: Sourcing For Additional Income Come 2022?? This Post is For You.


The world is generally operating on a tough financial economy and Nigeria is somehow worse off.  In order to beat the game and escape the heat of the current financial problems, smart individuals and budding entrepreneurs have began looking within for ways to create more wealth aside the normal 8 - 5 day time job. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Eschew Envy, Embrace Contentment and Mind Your Business.


Have you ever heard of the saying that goes "minding your business is a full time business". Envy is an age long ill feeling of jealousy, covetousness, dissatisfaction, inadequacy, illicit ambitions and all its associated demons... And the father of them is unhealthy comparison and rivalry. 
The Bible teaches us in  Proverbs 14:30; "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." ... Proverbs 23:17-18; "Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Marriage Realities From An African Context


Marriages in Nigeria and most parts of Africa are sustained by women. You can argue this with your village deity. Women in general, put up with a lot of bullshit just to make their marriages work. From childhood they have been taught that a wise woman keeps her home. In order to keep their homes, they end up enduring a lot of ill-treatment. 

Find any woman who has been with a man for donkey years and ask her if she would love to marry that same man over again in her next life. Majority would say no. This brings us to the point that most marriages are endurance marriages not happy marriages. Unfortunately, we are told that marital success is about duration. 

A successful marriage isn't about duration but happiness. If two people spend five years together, happily and add immense value to each other; if they decide to break up without fighting about it, their marriage can be rated as successful. Spending eternity together in sorrow isn't the idea of success to me. It is what you do in the marriage that counts not how long. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Thinking Of Getting Married Someday? Here Are Three Ways Being Happily Married Will Make You A Better Person..

Marriage especially when done right is not just a good thing but a full packaged blessing. Everyone desires to be married and be happy in it and it is more than important to us children of God because it was initiated and instituted by Our Heavenly Father from the creation of man to fulfill His divine plan for mankind and our earthly mandate. 

However, the very many challenges that besiege marriages of our generation, many of which ending up in divorce, makes it less and less attractive to so many people including members of the body of Christ. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021



Good morning (or whatever time of the day it is in your region of residence). 
 The Lord put it as a burden in my heart to say this to someone here this morning so PLEASE REPEAT AFTER ME AND NEVER STOP PROCLAIMING THESE WORDS OF SELF LOVE AND AFFIRMATION TO YOUR SELF.... 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

The testimony of the Cross


Christians all over the world recently commemorated and celebrated the triumphant death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ which secured our Victory over Satan and all the entire arsenal of hell and their agents. Therefore we the Children of God,  called and consecrated for his kingdom purpose are living life from the victory of the Cross and it numerous testimonies that it brought to all who believe according to the Word of God in His scriptures tells us in John 3:16 which says that for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and 1 John 5:4 which says that everyone born of God overcomes the world, this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith. So let's share a few of the major testimonies, the victory of the death of Christ Jesus brought for believers:

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Every Single Guy Needs to Reads This


A must read for Every single guy 

"'"For all these guys that think by proposing to a lady you are awarding her ticket to heaven, you better have a rethink.

I was just on my own sipping my malt as a gentleman wey I be, I saw over 10 guys walked in, each in a white T-shirt with the inscription "And Charles Proposed To Dinma". Immediately they came into the public relaxation arena they took covers like assassin laying siege for their will-be victim. The way they positioned themselves at every corner of the drinking spot caught the attention of many who came for evening drink-out.

Meanwhile one of the guys (who I predicted as the chief actor) was putting on a jean trouser and a jean shirt with a color matched faze-cap. This dude sat at the centre of the arena unlike the minor actors who hid themselves at the corners. The guy man demanded a bottle of Heineken and was sipping it more gentler than myself. Checking his wrist watch at more frequent intervals he sighted the expected guests. At this point he adjusted on his seat, changed his posture and composure like that of an army General who is about to dish out orders.

Surging majestically into the arena were three damsels in whom the "construction" skills of God were made manifest. As they were drawing closer I could feel the rise in heartbeat of the husband to be. Immediately they got to the table where the guy man was seated, the gorgeously dressed face-capped dude in a slow motion stood up, removed his cap, unbuttoned his shirt, reached out to a small box containing an unknown content, kneeled down more slowly like a sinful man who accidentally finds himself in the presence of God. At once the minor actors ran out from their hiding corners and surrounded the proposer and the "proposee" singing a heart-touching song of congratulations. What a well rehearsed drama!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Dear God Am I in a Waiting Room... Alone

Have you ever been asked to wait and sit still for a really long time and you just didn't find it boring but annoying and like a total waste of time. More so when it becomes a spiritual exercise and experience and it feels like despite all of God's unfailing promises to us in His Word,  nothing seems to be happening for you in a very long time.  

Tell me about it and I will cry you a river myself because I have very well been there. 







Life just seems like this revolving .. BIG waiting room... Like a bottomless pit. 

Has it ever felt that way for you?

I can completely relate with you.

Understanding the Unique Differences Between The Needs of A Man and A Woman

Intrinsically, the males and females are designed uniquely, their wants defer greatly. It is the understanding of these unique differences in them that brings about a rewarding friendship, union or marriage. When their unique differences are blended harmoniously, it gives God glory. We need to understand these differences God created in males and females.

Furthermore, when we know about our differences in the way males and females think, act and respond, we will hardly have quarrels in interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships with friends, or in male-female relationships and even marriages. In this way we will work cooperatively in fulfilling God`s purposes, and putting the devil into shame.
We will be looking at five distinct differences between the desires of males and females.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

God's standards is His undiluted Word (Scriptures)

You see that spiritual nonsense someone posted above👆👆, this is what the Bible has to say 👇👇

Health is Wealth...

Every morning we are born again🌻🌻🌻

What we do today is what matters most.

Making changes in our habits makes changes in our lives!



Saturday, April 10, 2021

How do I tell him no sex before marriage

The future and destiny of your marriage is too important and sacrosanct not to discuss the issue of premarital sex before hand and take and agreeable stand on it. 

Let’s talk about sex baby! If you don’t know where that line is from, please kneel down next time to greet me 😂😂 (just joking!) But seriously, can we talk about sex? Or more importantly, can we talk about how to avoid having sex as a singleton? Maybe you’ve been thinking “I don’t want to have sex before marriage; what do I do?” Here’s some practical help.